Everything is local and everything is global – Bill Foege

Is there a deeper message in the collective soul with the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic?

This is a question many people are asking. It is possible to look to the current astrological forces at play as possible images and lessons that might be helpful. In the moment of collective movements and crises,  Jungian psychology and astrology can provide a larger frame of understanding.

Something seems to be profoundly shifting. In my imagination, I see the earth having enough of our shallow talk about the need to change our ways. Our lives are over-scheduled and so busy we have no time for what we know is important. Now, Mother Earth has said that we need to stop. She is giving us time to be quiet, to focus on our priorities, and to re-examine all that we have previously held true.

Saturn Pluto Conjunction – January 2020 – Seeds of the Pandemic

Astrologically, COVID-19 seems to be associated with the larger Saturn and Pluto conjunction that began at the beginning of 2020. This combination reflects an archetypal transpersonal force that has hit the human race and is our collective egos’ ability to do anything about.

Let’s look at the images of the very potent astrological forces.

First, it is a conjunction. Saturn and Pluto occupied the same degree of the elliptical on January 12.  A conjunction is like the conception where two energies reflected by the planets involved join together. It is an insemination point. Like any conception, it is unseen, and its effects don’t materialize until much later.

Saturn and Pluto are large transpersonal influences that tend to impact the entire world. Saturn is a more collective planet. It is the archetype of the collective structures, the human ego, consensus reality, limitation, imprisonment and deprivation. Pluto is the planet of transformation. It is connected to the underworld, the destroyer and the transformer. Often when Pluto shows up, it manifests like an instinctive and evolutionary force of nature which seeks its own transformation through the encounter with human consciousness.

According to Richard Tarnas, Saturn and Pluto have been associated with challenging historical periods; pervasive quality of collective contraction and sometimes, with traumatic events. He writes:  “Saturn Pluto periods are an “end of era, the end of innocence the description of an early mode of life that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naivete, denial and inflation” (Cosmos and Psyche pg 201)

Events of the Pandemic as the Seeds planted by Saturn Pluto

The first case was reported in Wuhan in December 2019. This was the beginning, the seed so to speak of the conjunction. Astrologically Saturn Pluto conjunction was exactly January 12, 2020.

Here are the events the time – this is from The Guardian – 100 days that changed the world:

• At 1.38pm on 31 December, a Chinese government website announced the detection of a “pneumonia of unknown cause” in the area surrounding the South China seafood wholesale market in Wuhan, an industrial city of 11 million people. Saturn and Pluto had just become into 1 degree of each other. The next day the market was closed down; workers in hazmat suits started to collect samples from market surfaces. Social media in China raised the alarm that people in Wuhan hospitals were showing “ominous symptoms”.

• On January 9 – a new coronavirus was identified. It was not SARS as was originally thought. The first victim died in a Wuhan hospital. The day before the Ukrainian airline was shot down by the Iranians unintentionally but as part of their relations against the US assassination of Qasem Soleimani on January 3. This is a significant continuation of the Saturn Pluto Opposition where Islamic extremist group al Qaeda hijacked 4 airliners and flew them into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. This led to the US combating terrorism in Iran and Iraq. The implication of this I suspect is yet to be seen.

• On January 13 – The first reported case outside of China. Described by the Guardian as the “Virus had slipped the net”. There was some minimizing from authorities; the exact conjunction was now one day old.

• On January 20 – Human to Human transmission confirmed and the virus was spreading with reported cases in many Asian countries.

• On January 24 – Also a New Moon in Aquarius and Chinese New Year – Wuhan has been sealed off and the entire population is quarantined, the virus arrives in Europe.

Symbolically, Pluto might be represented by the virus; a significant impersonal and evolutionary force that has defeated the collective ego. The limitation and constraint of the ego are so typical of Saturn.

Message of the Pandemic – We are One and we are in this together

Everything is local and everything is global – Bill Foege

In keeping with the themes of conjunction, the entire world has been touched by the pandemic. There is a growing awareness of the unity of life and as a species we are all one. Alongside the imagery of the virus itself that is strong enough to leave us all vulnerable, we see images of fellow humans singing on balconies praising the men and women who put their lives at risk every day. The spiritual message is one of unity – that the small actions of one person can affect the entire world.

COVID-19 has removed barriers of ‘we and them’, ‘here and there’, and stirs up the value of belonging amongst us. It has demonstrated that our globe is a single interdependent community, as strong as the weakest link. We are witnessing the emergence of spiritual values of compassion, kindness, sympathy and caring. The power of choice has become very important; the confrontation with the choices that we made in the past and the awareness of choices that we make moving forward.

Do you want to hear more about Jung’s relationship to astrology?

Listen to the Podcast This Jungian Life to hear me explore Jung, astrology and elaboration of current astrological configuration with Deb Stewart, Lisa Marchiano, and Joseph Lee.

Copyright Christina Becker
April 2020

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